Since 2016, we have been devoting hard to the sharing of baking knowledge and experience through enjoyable and engaging bakery workshops in Hong Kong. Our beloved studio provide a warm and welcoming space where baking enthusiasts can join our enjoyable hands-on bread and patisserie workshops to discover the true satisfaction of creating delectable, artisanal breads, pizzas, and pastries.

Sarah Yam
Sarah is best known for sharing her bakery experience and knowledge at her facebook page “Bread Cloud” since 2013. She graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo as a holder of Diploma in Boulangerie and further honed her bakery skills in European and Japanese styles under the tutelage of various master chefs from France, Italy, Japan and Taiwan. In early years Sarah was an experienced organizer for professional conferences in investment bank and one of the Big Four accounting firms. With her passion and philosophy in bakery, she published 3 cookbooks in Hong Kong & Taiwan. Sarah was invited to be a guest chef for city’super. In 2016, she opened Bread Cloud Studio devoting to the sharing of her knowledge and experience through bakery workshops. Sarah has created numerous recipes for many media and various culinary brands in Hong Kong. She is also one of the hosts of TV programme “Sweets Workshop” in Hong Kong.
持有法國藍帶國際厨藝學院 (日本東京分校) 之烘焙文憑(Diploma in Boulangerie),並跟隨多位法國、意大利、日本及台灣麵包大師深造麵包烘焙技巧,擅長歐式及日式麵包。
曾為投資銀行及四大會計師樓之企業會議統籌,於2013年創立「麵包雲」facebook 專頁積極推廣手作麵包及分享心得,並出版麵包食譜書《歐日麵包-新手烘焙不失敗的必修課》、台灣版《學做麵包的第一本書》及《麵包研習室 - 麵包導師的詳細配方》,其後獲邀為 city’super 擔任客席麵包課導師。於2016年開設 Bread Cloud Studio,且為更多媒體及多個著名品牌撰寫食譜及示範,及擔任香港電視台麵包教學節目主持之一,繼續推廣手作麵包。

Ginny Choy
Graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo with the Diploma in Boulangerie. Ginny is also a holder of Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Marketing, Higher Diploma in Nutrition, and Certificate in Sports Nutrition. With her passion in bread making, Ginny left the desk of a multinational enterprise and pursued her professional bakery career in a well-known Japanese bakery’s Hong Kong branch. Since 2017, Ginny has become a bread course instructor to continue her sharing in bread-making knowledge and experience in artisan European and Japanese breads with her practical experience in professional bakery and passion. Ginny published her first cookbook in 2021.
畢業於法國藍帶國際厨藝學院 (日本東京分校) 之烘焙文憑課程(Diploma in Boulangerie)。Ginny 持有商業管理及市場學士學位,營養學高級文憑及運動營養學證書。曾任職跨國企業,及後於日本著名麵包店之香港分店負責麵包製作。2017年開始成為全職烘焙導師,以專業麵包製作的經驗、教授麵包課的熱誠,與大家分享手作歐式及日式麵包麵包的知識和經驗。於2021年更出版麵包食譜書《麵包主義》,繼續推廣手作麵包。

Phoebe Avila
Graduated from Tokyo Belle Époque College of Confectionery and Culinary with the Diploma in Patissier. Phoebe is also a qualified Confectionery Hygiene Master in Japan. The years of patisserie course equipped Phoebe not only with the fluency in Japanese language, but also the Japanese culture of cake and desserts. In recent years, Phoebe has worked at a prestigious American-based fine cake patisseries and an iconic Hong Kong based bakery to further intensify her skills on technical training and professional recipe designs. With an unstoppable passion in patisserie, she keeps further honing her skills from various Master Chefs overseas.
畢業於東京ベルエポック製菓調理専門学校 ( Tokyo Belle Époque College of Confectionery and Culinary )的二年制甜品師文憑課程,主修甜點制作及營養科學,並且為合資格之日本製菓衛生師。多年的日本留學生活,除令Phoebe 能操流利日語外,更深入了解日本的甜品製作文化。回港後繼續醉心於甜點制作,多年來任職於美國著名精品甜點蛋糕店及香港著名甜品糕點品牌,負責員工技術培訓、食譜設計,及蛋糕製作,及赴外國深造更多種蛋糕制作技術。

Master Chef Paolo De Santis
Chef Paolo is a true Master of Pizza. Not only he lives with pizza, he dreams about the dough and creates the ideal recipe.
Born in Rome, the birthplace of pizza al taglio (pizza by the slice), Chef Paolo finished studying hospitality before working under a Master Pizza Chef to hone his pizza skills in both Napolean and Roma styles. He then brought his passion to Australia and Asia where he worked in 5-star hotel and Italian restaurants.
In recent years, Chef Paolo was invited to be a pizza chef trainer and consultant in luxury 5-star hotel and award-winning restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau. With his expertise in technical skills and training, he successfully transformed several pizzerias and restaurants into renowned destinations for food enthusiasts.
His never stop passion in pizza and bread has earned him the ranking of Top 2 of all Hong Kong pizzerias and one of the “50 Top Pizza – Asia Pacific” in both 2022 and 2023.
Chef Paolo 專注於製作 Pizza 及意大利麵包。出生於Pizza al taglio的發源地意大利羅馬,熱愛 Pizza 的Chef Paolo 在修讀完酒店管理課程後,向一名 Pizza 大師拜師,進一步琢磨他的 Pizza 製作技巧,鑽研 Napolean 及 Roma 風格的 Pizza。及後,Chef Paolo將他的熱情帶到了澳洲和亞洲,為五星級酒店和意大利餐廳製作出色的Pizza。近年更獲邀為香港和澳門的頂級國際酒店和知名獲獎餐廳的出任Pizza培訓師和顧問。憑藉他的技術和培訓經驗,成功協助多家餐廳打造成城中知名的美食點。憑著他永不停歇的熱情和專業知識,Chef Paolo 連續兩年 (2022 及 2023) 為餐廳取得亞太地區 50 Top Pizza 的殊榮,更獲選為全香港兩家最佳Pizza 餐廳之一。