duration & workshops schedule:
3.5 hours
Adults class
Thanks for your understanding that confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. 感謝你的諒解,報名一經確認,恕不能更改或取消。
The original flavor, chewy texture, soft and springy insides of a Bagel already make it irresistible. Now, imagine if a bagel is filled with crunchy and sweet caramelized walnuts, for sure you can never be dragged away.
原味貝果 (Bagel) 有著金黃色的滑溜表面,這已經是令人難以抗拒,想一大口咬它煙韌包面。試想想如果將香脆又甜蜜的焦糖合桃混入整個 Bagel內,你唯一要考慮的,是你能一次過吃掉多少個。
Learn from raw material to machine mixing, fermentation, shaping and baking.
For lesson using machine mixing, 2 students share one kitchen machine.
Approx. 10 participants per class
小班教學 約 10人
6 pieces (3 Original and 3 Caramelized Walnuts Bagels) / participant
每人可帶走 6個麵包 (包括 3 個原味及 3 個焦糖合桃貝果)
3.5 hours