Workshop by Ginny Choy: Fondue 香蒜薯蓉芝士薄脆包

$ 980

Duration & workshops schedule:
~ 3.5 hours

This class is best for experienced bakers. Adults class.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。成人課程。

Thanks for your understanding that confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. 感謝你的諒解,報名一經確認,恕不能更改或取消。

Available Options

2024-08-20 (Tue) 6:30pm Full
2024-08-24 (Sat) 3pm Full
2024-08-29 (Thu) 10am Full
2024-11-02 (Sat) 1pm Full
New Classes Waitlist Full

Workshop by Ginny Choy

A lovely fondue bread made with Japanese flour and poolish technique, amazingly filled with Emmental Cheese and mouth-watering garlic potatoes. This bread is surely believed to satisfy all your diners at home.
用了 Poolish手法及日本麵粉,做出日式薄脆口感的法式麵包,再以Fondue 造型,充滿著用上濃郁 Emmental Cheese 的內餡,配上幼滑香蒜薯蓉,定能滿足為食的家人和朋友們。

Learn from raw material to machine mixing, fermentation, shaping and baking.

Machine mixing lesson, 2 students use one kitchen machine

Depending on the progress of the class, selected steps might be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor

This class is best for experienced bakers.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。

~10 participants per class
小班教學約 10人

Approx. 6 breads / participant
每人可帶走約 6 個麵包

~ 3.5 hours

Ginny Choy

Graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo with the Diploma in Boulangerie. Ginny is also a holder of Bachelor’s degree in Business Management and Marketing, Higher Diploma in Nutrition, and Certificate in Sports Nutrition. With her passion in bread making, Ginny left the desk of a multinational enterprise and pursued her professional bakery career in a well-known Japanese bakery’s Hong Kong branch.  Currently, Since 2017, Ginny has become a full-time bread course instructor to continue her sharing in bread-making knowledge and experience in artisan European and Japanese breads with her practical experience in professional bakery and passion.

畢業於法國藍帶國際厨藝學院 (日本東京分校) 之烘焙文憑課程 (Diploma in Boulangerie)。Ginny 持有商業管理及市場學士學位,營養學高級文憑及運動營養學證書。曾任職跨國企業,及後於日本著名麵包店之香港分店負責麵包製作。2017年開始成為全職烘焙導師,以專業麵包製作的經驗、教授麵包課的熱誠,與大家分享手作歐式及日式麵包麵包的知識和經驗。


Remarks: Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. However, bookings are freely transferable for the same workshop, thus you are welcome to send someone else in your place. All classes are for adults only. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.

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