Workshop by Sarah Yam: Yudane Marguerite 湯種軟包 – 牛奶味.三重芝士味

$ 980

duration & workshops schedule:
~ 3.5  hours

Adults class

Thanks for your understanding that confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. 感謝你的諒解,報名一經確認,恕不能更改或取消。

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Workshop by Sarah Yam:
Yutane Marguerite
湯種軟包 – 牛奶味.三重芝士味

With Japanese style Yudane method, this fluffy and moist bread may become a popular dish in your house. In the original milk taste loaf, you can feel the light, moist texture, and the natural sweetness brought by the Yudane.  In the triple-cheese taste loaf, you will be fully satisfied by the fabulous melting cheese fillings embraced in the soft crumb topped with smooth and cheesy toppings.


Learn from raw material to machine mixing, fermentation, shaping and baking.

Machine mixing, 2 students share one kitchen machine.

Depending on the progress of the class, selected steps might be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor

Approx. 10 participants per class
小班教學 約 10人

2  pieces / participant
每人可帶走 2 個大麵包

~3.5  hours

Sarah Yam

Sarah graduated from the Le Cordon Bleu Tokyo as a holder of Diploma in Boulangerie and further honed her bakery skills in European and Japanese styles under the tutelage of various master chefs in Japan and Taiwan. In early years Sarah was an experienced organizer for professional conferences in investment bank and one of the Big Four accounting firms. With her passion and philosophy in bakery, she published 3 cookbooks in Hong Kong & Taiwan. Sarah was invited to be a guest chef for city’super.  With her own bakery studio, sarah actively gives bakery workshops and creates numerous recipes for Hong Kong media and various culinary brands. She was also one of the hosts of TV programme “Sweets Workshop” of Hong Kong TVB.

持有法國藍帶國際厨藝學院 (日本東京分校) 之烘焙文憑(Diploma in Boulangerie),並於日本及台灣跟隨多位麵包大師深造麵包烘焙技巧,擅長歐式及日式麵包。
曾為投資銀行及四大會計師樓之企業會議統籌,及後於「麵包雲」facebook 專頁積極推動手作麵包及分享心得,並出版麵包食譜書《歐日麵包-新手烘焙不失敗的必修課》、台灣版《學做麵包的第一本書》及《麵包研習室 - 麵包導師的詳細配方》。獲邀為 city’super 擔任客席麵包課導師,更開設 Bread Cloud Studio 推廣手作麵包,且為媒體及多個著名品牌撰寫食譜及示範,及擔任香港電視台麵包教學節目主持之一,繼續推廣手作麵包。

Remarks: Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. However, bookings are freely transferable for the same workshop, thus you are welcome to send someone else in your place. All classes are for adults only. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.
備註: 所有已確認的報名均不可更改及取消。如你不能出席,你可以邀請你的朋友出席以代替你的位置,並儘早通知我們以作安排。所有課堂為均成年人課堂。每個課堂均有最少人數的要求,在極少的情況下,如果不達到最少人數,課堂將會被取消。我們將通過電話/電子郵件於至少48小時通知你,並提供重新安排或全額退款。

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