Workshop by Sarah Yam: Bagel Bagel 原味/罌粟籽貝果

$ 820

You just can’t resist the chewy texture, shiny tanned skin, with unforgettable aroma and taste of a perfect bagel!
你無法抗拒一個口感煙韌、滑嘟嘟又脹卜卜、金黃色香噴噴的完美 Bagel!

duration & workshops schedule:
3.5 hours

This class is best for experienced bakers. Adults class.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。成人課程。

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Workshop by Sarah Yam: Bagel Bagel


You just can’t resist the chewy texture, shiny tanned skin, with unforgettable aroma and taste of a perfect bagel!
你無法抗拒一個口感煙韌、滑嘟嘟又脹卜卜、金黃色香噴噴的完美 Bagel!

Learn from raw material to machine mixing, fermentation, shaping and baking.

*For lesson using machine mixing, 2 students share one kitchen machine.

This class is best for experienced bakers.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。

Approx. 10 participants per class
小班教學 約 10人

around 6pcs / student

3.5 hours

Remarks: Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. However, bookings are freely transferable for the same workshop, thus you are welcome to send someone else in your place. All classes are for adults only. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.

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