Tamayura 玉響

$ 950

Workshop by Phoebe Avila

Duration & workshops schedule:
~ 4.5 hours

This class is best for experienced bakers. Adults class
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作甜點的朋友。成人課程。

Thanks for your understanding that confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. 感謝你的諒解,報名一經確認,恕不能更改或取消。

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Workshop by Phoebe Avila

Rooted in Mont Blanc which is one of the very classic dessert, we forged this new dessert Tama Yura. In 4.5 hours, you will experience how it features the flavour of Japanese sweet potatoes, complimented by a central piece of Japanese-style egg custard, paired with the famous candied sweet potatoes in traditional Japanese cuisine, and served on magnificent rounded Madeleines.

蒙布朗蛋糕 (モンブラン) 一直是蛋糕店展示櫃中不可或缺的一員,這次我們決定為經典注入新元素,保留概念的同時,味道再加入新變化,創作了「玉響」(たまゆら)。在這 4.5小時的旅程,以日本蕃薯 (さつま芋) 作主導,配以日式調味悉心燉煮而成的燉蛋,再加入為傳統日本料理的蕃薯甘露煮 (さつまいもの甘煮),利用經典的瑪德蓮蛋糕 (マドレーヌ) 作總結,定會為大家帶來獨一無二的口感配搭。

Depending on the progress of the class, selected steps might be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor

This class is best for experienced bakers.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作甜點的朋友。

~10 participants per class
小班教學約 10人

Adults Class

~6 pieces / participant
每人可帶走約 6 件

~ 4.5 hours

Language: Cantonese

Phoebe Avila

Graduated from Tokyo Belle Époque College of Confectionery and Culinary with the Diploma in Patissier. Phoebe is also a qualified Confectionery Hygiene Master in Japan. The years of patisserie course equipped Phoebe not only with the fluency in Japanese language, but also the Japanese culture of cake and desserts. In recent years, Phoebe has worked at a prestigious American-based fine cake patisseries and an iconic Hong Kong based bakery to further intensify her skills on technical training and professional recipe designs. With an unstoppable passion in patisserie, she keeps further honing her skills from various Master Chefs overseas.

畢業於東京ベルエポック製菓調理専門学校 ( Tokyo Belle Époque College of Confectionery and Culinary )的二年制甜品師文憑課程,主修甜點制作及營養科學,並且為合資格之日本製菓衛生師。多年的日本留學生活,除令Phoebe 能操流利日語外,更深入了解日本的甜品製作文化。回港後繼續醉心於甜點制作,多年來任職於美國著名精品甜點蛋糕店及香港著名甜品糕點品牌,負責員工技術培訓、食譜設計,及蛋糕製作,及赴外國深造更多種蛋糕制作技術。


Remarks: Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. However, bookings are freely transferable for the same workshop, thus you are welcome to send someone else in your place. All classes are for adults only. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.
備註: 所有已確認的報名均不可更改及取消。如你不能出席,你可以邀請你的朋友出席以代替你的位置,並儘早通知我們以作安排。所有課堂為均成年人課堂。每個課堂均有最少人數的要求,在極少的情況下,如果不達到最少人數,課堂將會被取消。我們將通過電話/電子郵件於至少48小時通知你,並提供重新安排或全額退款。

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