Workshop by Master Chef Paolo: Focaccia Cioccolato

$ 1,380

duration & workshops schedule:
~3.5 hours

This class is best for experienced bakers. Adults class in English.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。成人課程。英語課堂。

Thanks for your understanding that confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. 感謝你的諒解,報名一經確認,恕不能更改或取消。

Available Options

2024-06-27 (Thu) 1pm Full
2024-07-01 (Mon, Holiday) 2:30pm Full
2024-07-05 (Fri) 6:30pm Full
2024-07-07 (Sun) 2:30pm Full
2024-07-09 (Tue) 10am Full
2024-07-14 (Sun) 1pm Full
2024-07-25 (Thu) 10am Full
2024-07-26 (Fri) 6:30pm Full
2024-07-27 (Sat) 1pm Full
2024-08-02 (Fri) 6:30pm Full
2024-08-03 (Sat) 3pm Full
2024-08-10 (Sat) 1pm Full
2024-08-15 (Thu) 6:30pm Full
2024-08-17 (Sat) 10am Full
2024-08-19 (Mon) 10am Full
2024-08-20 (Tue) 10am Full
2024-08-26 (Mon) 1pm Full
2024-09-12 (Thu) 6:30pm Full
New Classes Waitlist Full

Workshop by Master Chef Paolo
Focaccia Cioccolato

Chocolate Focaccia Bread is a unique twist on the traditional savory focaccia. It is made from an enriched chocolate dough with minimal sugar and a touch of healthy olive oil, without any butter added. The dough is baked with crunchy hazelnuts, chocolate chunks inside, and orange peel on top. To add a wonderful extra flavor, freshly grated orange zest is also included. This Chocolate Focaccia has a soft, delightful texture with a subtle chocolate taste in the middle. This unique recipe is a great treat for any special occasion or simply to enjoy as an anytime indulgence.

意大利朱古力 Focaccia 麵包,為傳統鹹味Focaccia 麵包注入了全新的生命力。用意大利方式製作的獨特朱古力麵糰,含糖量極低,以少許健康的橄欖油作為調和,讓這沒有半點牛油的麵包能有細緻柔順的口感。麵糰內更加入香脆可口的榛子粒和濃郁朱古力,散發出陣陣诱人的可可香氣。表面更點綴著新鮮的橙皮碎,為整個麵包增添了一抹迷人的柑橘清香。出爐後麵包柔軟綿密,入口即化,有著淡雅的朱古力味道,甜而不膩,可以作為特別的節慶甜點,亦可以是日常生活中的意大利味食。

Learn from raw material to machine mixing, fermentation, shaping and baking.

Machine mixing, 2 students share one kitchen machine.

 Depending on the progress of the class, selected steps might be proceeded by participants as team or demonstrated by Instructor

This class is best for experienced bakers.
這是Experienced 程度的課堂,適合熟悉手作麵包的朋友。

~10 participants per class
小班教學約 10人

3 Focaccia (~6″) / participant
每人可帶走 3 個 約 6寸 的 Focaccia

~ 3.5 hours

Language: English

Master Chef

Paolo De Santis


Chef Paolo is a true Master of Pizza. Not only he lives with pizza, he dreams about the dough and creates the ideal recipe.

Born in Rome, the birthplace of pizza al taglio (pizza by the slice), Chef Paolo finished studying hospitality before working under a Master Pizza Chef to hone his pizza skills in both Napolean and Roma styles. He then brought his passion to Australia and Asia where he worked in 5-star hotel and Italian restaurants.

In recent years, Chef Paolo was invited to be a pizza chef trainer and consultant in luxury 5-star hotel and award-winning restaurants in Hong Kong and Macau. With his expertise in technical skills and training, he successfully transformed several pizzerias and restaurants into renowned destinations for food enthusiasts.

His never stop passion in pizza and bread has earned him the ranking of Top 2 of all Hong Kong pizzerias and one of the “50 Top Pizza – Asia Pacific” in both 2022 and 2023.

Chef Paolo 專注於製作 Pizza 及意大利麵包。出生於Pizza al taglio的發源地意大利羅馬,熱愛 Pizza 的Chef Paolo 在修讀完酒店管理課程後,向一名 Pizza 大師拜師,進一步琢磨他的 Pizza 製作技巧,鑽研 Napolean 及 Roma 風格的 Pizza。及後,Chef Paolo將他的熱情帶到了澳洲和亞洲,為五星級酒店和意大利餐廳製作出色的Pizza。近年更獲邀為香港和澳門的頂級國際酒店和知名獲獎餐廳的出任Pizza培訓師和顧問。憑藉他的技術和培訓經驗,成功協助多家餐廳打造成城中知名的美食點。憑著他永不停歇的熱情和專業知識,Chef Paolo 連續兩年 (2022 及 2023) 為餐廳取得亞太地區 50 Top Pizza 的殊榮,更獲選為全香港兩家最佳Pizza 餐廳之一。

Remarks: Confirmed bookings may not be cancelled or changed. However, bookings are freely transferable for the same workshop, thus you are welcome to send someone else in your place. All classes are for adults only. There is minimum number apply to run workshops. If it is not met, the workshop will be cancelled. At least 48 hours’ notice via phone / email will be given and a choice of rescheduling or a full refund will be offered.
備註: 所有已確認的報名均不可更改及取消。如你不能出席,你可以邀請你的朋友出席以代替你的位置,並儘早通知我們以作安排。所有課堂為均成年人課堂。每個課堂均有最少人數的要求,在極少的情況下,如果不達到最少人數,課堂將會被取消。我們將通過電話/電子郵件於至少48小時通知你,並提供重新安排或全額退款。

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